We get a large variety of jobs over here at Brands Imaging, and we’re usually boasting about whatever huge or incredibly involved project we just finished, but today I’d like to take a minute to boast about something else. Lettering jobs don’t really seem to get much press, but I’m here to change that!
John Weber Inc.’s new van lettering is outstanding evidence that you don’t have to break the bank to get a great looking and eye-catching advertisement on your vehicle.
This is a pretty simple design as far as lettering goes- but the impact is not lost! It’s clean, it’s classy, and best of all- it will fit in your budget.
And of course, we treat it with the same love and care as any of our vehicle wrap projects. Just look at all that love and care!
So if you’re looking at our blog day after day, heaving long sighs, and lamenting that while vehicle wraps are just SO cool you probably can’t afford one- don’t give up so easily! Call us! Rest-assured we will work with you to fit your budget and hook you up- no fooling.