It’s a chilly day here in Philadelphia, and the boys just wrapped up another trailer for the fine folks of Chestnut Street Caterers.
(Above) Install ninja extraordinaire Scott Painter utilizes his 6th sense (pertaining to all vinyl installation and adhesion) to lay out the passenger side panel. (Below) Registration is a fickle mistress, but Mr. Painter handles it with ninja ease.
(Above) Our fearless leader, squeegee in mouth, lays down a final layer of heat to seal the wrap. (Below) More heat is applied while Scott trims the edges.
We matched the cut vinyl to the color of the truck by cutting it from a strip of vinyl printed the same color. Your humble narrator patiently weeded all of those delicate lines (we all do our part).
(Below) The final product is ready to go forth into the rainy world to bring delicious nibbles to the Drexel campus. So, where’s your company’s vehicle wrap?

Today is September 11th, and all of us at Brands Imaging are thinking of the families affected by the tragic events of 8 years ago…
We remember…