This week we did a few wall murals for a new restaurant coming to the Temple University campus called Crisp Kitchen. So this got me thinking…How important is the establishment’s atmosphere to our time spent there? What is it about going to a bar or restaurant – besides the food and drink – that makes it so memorable? Is it the people? The music? Or, is it the warm and fuzzy feeling which we can’t quite seem to put our finger on as soon as we walk in the door. Here at Brands Imaging, we are confident that it is the latter! When we walk into an establishment, we always take notice to the environment and how it makes us feel. And as a result of our awareness, accent walls really should be the key point to setting the stage for a proper environment and giving you that feeling you’re looking for when wishing to create some subtle excitement.
crisp kitchen wall mural
The best part about having that warm and fuzzy feeling, is that it can be translated into so many different spaces! From our homes to even the work space, wall murals and accent walls are big and their impact is even larger.
crisp kitchen wall mural
When it comes to our everyday lives, we are spending more and more time in the office working, and a work space should feel inspiring. Some of the new trends in 2016 for interior design, challenges offices to make a conscious change with some fresh, cool ideas that are sure to inspire. The outdoors coming indoors is also a really big thing right now as many offices are even going so far as to include fireplaces in their buildings, but just adding a simple accent wall of a outdoor type print, can really add some depth and warmth to the room, and inspire creativity.
The rustic look that we are seeing in the countryside and at some hearty restaurants is also making its way into the office space. With that gorgeous look of wooden panels, simply adding a wall mural of a rustic print such as that, can really transform that space as well – and you don’t have to spend days installing those wooden panels. Whether the panels are natural or painted, the impact is warm and appreciated.
wall murals
Using a mixture of colors and textures in an office lounge, will really transform a space into a more relaxing environment or even tackling the break room with a fun and funky design can make someone feel better about being in that space. While we always hear to think outside the box, there are many exciting things going on inside the box.
 wall murals