Here at Brands Imaging, we love to wrap trucks for our clients. Truck wraps are a great way to promote your business whether you are an electrician, landscaper, home improvement company, roofer, plumber, HVAC or looking to get your whole fleet of trucks branded. Using truck wraps to promote your business is effective because it extends the reach of your brand everywhere you go.

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Why Have Truck Wraps

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  • Effectiveness
    According to the Transportation Advertising Council (a specialty group of the Outdoor Advertising Association of America), vehicle advertising generates thousands of daily impressions. Polls show 90% of travelers notice wrapped vehicles; 70% form their impressions based on vehicle graphics.
  • Wraps are a moving billboard
    Having a truck wrap is like having a moving billboard advertisement for your company. No matter where you go, your brand is constantly visible to everyone around you.
  • Free Advertisement
    Wraps promote your brand while you’re working in neighborhoods, shopping malls, restaurants, etc.When you’re in a neighborhood working on someone’s home, you’ve already built credibility. Other neighbors will be able to see who’s doing the work and may be inclined to call the number or go to the website listed on your truck.
  • Great Outdoor Advertisement at Events and Promotions
    If you’re participating in any outdoor events and promotions, your truck wrap can be your promotional material. It’s also great advertising at various outdoor events and promotions.


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What Information Should You Include On Your Truck Wraps

It’s important to make the best use of the space available for your truck wrap. You want it to not only be aesthetically pleasing to the eye, but provide the right information so people can quickly identify what company you are, what you do, and how to reach you.

Here Are Some Suggestions On What To Include on Your Truck Wraps:

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  • Company Name – Make sure it’s easy to read
  • What You Do – If it’s not obvious by your business name about what you do, then be sure to include a few of your services on the truck wrap .
  • Phone Number – Make it clear and visible
  • Website Address – Some people prefer to go online and fill out a form – give them that option


Brands Imaging wraps your truck just the way you want it, so you roll out with the right branding and look you need for your business. Roll in with a blank slate so we can put a wrap on it that meets your business needs today!