This week the fearless crew embarked upon an epic journey in the name of DeBeers/Gait Lacrosse. After receiving the artwork on Tuesday, the crew had a scant day to wrap a full vehicle after printing.
The following images record this feat for posterity…
No one can ever say that we aren’t passionate about our work. (Above) Our Head Ninja goes to town on the side of the vehicle. (Below) It’s elbow grease time.
Due to the brevity of time allotted for this install, we enlisted the help of a day-playing ninja.
(Below) Our Temp Ninja takes care of the details.
(Below) Our Temp Ninja takes care of the details.
Even ninjas need a break! (Below) The Head Ninja does not approve of resting…Time to curb that desire to relax with fiery Ninja Eye Lasers!
This odyssey is not done yet! Tomorrow we will be completing a jeep for these fine folks, so expect a new round of dramatic photography soon…